Friday 14 November 2008

Matt's moodboard

The mood board i have created is full of ideas, colours and themes. This is my response to our chosen track 'Two Receivers' by the Klaxons. The music the Klaxons compose is indie/rock, i have represented this genre with various pictures like a guitar and amplifier, and a drawn picture of a pair of converse shoes. Converse is a iconic motif of the indie/rock music genre as they are very popular by all musicians who wear them. I have drawn the shoes to represent the new and arty society that music is now involved with. Now a days, it is almost like bands are trying to be as arty and original as possible, the Klaxons achieve this with there brightly coloured clothing and fashion tastes. When listening to the track, various ideas and locations run through my mind, for example London and Brighton Pier could be great locations to film, i have portrayed this within my moodboard with a London Underground logo, iconic red telephone box and the Brighton Pier sign. The song speaks about 'Oceans at their feet' these lyrics particularly made me think about Brighton and the kitch feel to it, of going to the seaside, flying kites and building sandcastles etc. For these reasons i included a kite and a deck chair.

The words that came to mind when listening to the track were, youth, drumbeat and originality. The song has 20seconds of introduction which consists of a quiet drumbeat that over time gets louder. This drumbeat continues throughout the song and particular stuck out for me as it sounds sharp and punchy. I included a picture of a drum kit drawn on mathematical square paper, this adds to the arty edge the Klaxons have over other bands. The pint glasses of beer and smoking health warning generally represents the youth of today, with common issues in the news of binge drinking and cancers caused by smoking. We are aware of smoking and drinking of a young age, and its almost like in society we have to smoke or drink to fit in. I put these messages into my mood board to represent the youth appeal that the Klaxons have. The drawn Klaxons logo and the drawing i made of the chair, guitar and amplifier etc at the bottom right of the page give the mood board a dirty and authentic feel that i would like to create within our video. Black and white drawings / photos tend to seem more realistic that those with colour, these all add to the iconography of the Klaxons and their star image persona. The turntable at the top centre of the page generally represents the electronic feel the Klaxons music contains. They experiment with samples of music and throw them together to create something new and exciting, which could also be described as 'Nu Rave' the common music theme. The turntable can also represent technology within making music and how its changing, music doesnt seem to be totally focused on instruments being played these days and this can be shown through music production.

When listening to our chosen track 'Two Receivers' by The Klaxons, these are the main themes and ideas i think of.

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