Thursday 29 January 2009

Filming and editing

On Wednesday 21st January, Will and I along with two friends set off to Brighton in two cars packed with instruments and camera equipment. We spent the majority of the day making footage in the lanes, performing on the beach and filming from the pier. Luckily the weather was perfect so we were able to make use of the day as we proposed. With all our footage recorded from Brighton we continued to record back at school including close up of band members mimming and a background animation that will feature within the chorus of the song.

With all our footage recorded in time, we were able to make a start on editing the vast amounts of film we have...

Wednesday 7 January 2009

Storyboard and Animatics

We began our storyboard during the Christmas holiday period at our houses. During this time we were able to finalise our ideas and listen to the track whilst timing our shots and making relationships between the visuals and lyrics. We drew a grid on A3 paper and drew the shots that we would later use when filming our video. After various discussions we were both clear of our ideas and could add them to the storyboard. We regularly contacted eachother to ensure we were up to date and both working which allowed us to come back to school with our storyboard complete, however we had to change a few shots due to them being to complex.

Once we were back at school, we started to film the storyboard so we could upload the footage onto Premiere Elements and create the animatic for our music. We filmed every drawn shot for ten seconds then later editing the footage correctly in time with our chosen track. The reason why we are creating an animatic is to ensure our ideas are suitable for our chosen track and to determine our shots are long enough so nothing is missing. It is also allowing us to modify our ideas efficiently so that our video is easier to film, giving us an idea of the number of shots that we have to shoot and the length of time desiginated to those shots.